Sometimes, there may be parts of an architecture that pre-date the introduction of Creek, or are managed by less enlightened teams who don’t use Creek, or are written in languages or technologies Creek does not yet support.

Don’t worry though. Creek’s got you covered.

Note: Creek is currently very Java, or JVM language, and Kafka focused. This is understandable considering its history. In the future, the hope is that Creek moves beyond Java and JVM languages and beyond Kafka.

Even parts of an architecture that don’t leverage Creek can, conceptually, be broken down into aggregates. Aggregates are just a pattern for decomposing complex architectures into areas of functionality.

In this tutorial, the twitter.tweet.text Kafka topic is managed and populated by an existing system. A system that predates Creek. So how do we integrate with such a system?

In a fully Creek based architecture this upstream aggregate would have its own descriptor. Where no such descriptor is available… create one! This allows Creek based components to easily reference that metadata.

Define a non-Creek aggregate API

To define an aggregate descriptor for a non-Creek system, copy and rename the existing OccurrenceAggregateDescriptor class from the api module into the existing services module. The new class should be called IngestionAggregateDescriptor and should be created in the package.

ProTip: The aggregate descriptor of non-Creek system can live in the services of an aggregate. However, if multiple aggregates interact with the same system, it is often cleaner to define the system’s aggregate descriptor, once, in a shared location, e.g. it’s own jar file. This descriptor should ideally be managed by the team that owns that system.

Replace the TweetHandleUsageStream constant in the new IngestionAggregateDescriptor class with a TweetTextStream constant, copied from the HandleOccurrenceServiceDescriptor. The TweetTextStream constant will need tweaking to convert it from an input to an output topic:

// Aggregate descriptor for the upstream ingestion aggregate.
public final class IngestionAggregateDescriptor implements AggregateDescriptor {


    // Define the tweet-text output topic, conceptually owned by this aggregate:
    public static final OwnedKafkaTopicOutput<Long, String> TweetTextStream =
                            "twitter.tweet.text", // Topic name
                            Long.class, // Topic key type (Tweet id)
                            String.class, // Topic value type (Tweet text)
                            withPartitions(5))); // Topic config

This defines a class constant that captures the metadata about the system’s topic. It defines the topic name, the key and value types of the records stored in the topic and the topic config, which in this case is just the number of partitions. This constant will be used below when updating the handle-occurrence-service’s descriptor.

The register method wrapping the outputTopic method call ensures the resource descriptor is registered with the outer aggregate descriptor.

Update the service descriptor

There are now two definitions of the same topic: one in the aggregate descriptor and one in the service descriptor. This code duplication is to be avoided.

Update the TweetTextStream declaration in the HandleOccurrenceServiceDescriptor class to use the aggregate’s topic declaration:

public final class HandleOccurrenceServiceDescriptor implements ServiceDescriptor {


    // Define the tweet-text input topic, managed by the ingestion aggregate:
    public static final KafkaTopicInput<Long, String> TweetTextStream =

Note how the type of the topic descriptor has changed from an owned input topic, to unowned, as the ownership of the topic has conceptually moved to the ingestion-aggregate.

Referencing the aggregate’s topic descriptor, defines in code, that the service is consuming the aggregate’s output.

Testing the changes

As before, ensure the changes are correct by running the build:


This will compile the changes and run the tests.

The build should fail with an error similar to:

basic suite: Suite setup failed for test suite: basic suite, cause: No component provided a creatable descriptor for resource id: kafka-topic://default/twitter.tweet.text, 
 known_creatable_descriptors: [(file:/Users/andy/dev/ io.github.creek.service.ks.aggregate.api.demo.internal.TopicDescriptors$OutputTopicDescriptor$1@4fb392c4]

So what’s going on here then? The system tests are failing because No component provided a creatable descriptor for resource id for the kafka-topic://default/twitter.tweet.text resource.

The resource in question is the twitter.tweet.text topic, (on the default logical cluster), that was moved to the new IngestionAggregateDescriptor above.

The known_creatable_descriptors lists all the creatable resources, i.e. owned topics, the system tests knows about. This list contains only a single descriptor, (with a rubbish toString impl :wink:), from the repository’s api jar.

The system tests discover component descriptors on the class and module path using the Java ServiceLoader. The new aggregate descriptor isn’t currently discoverable by the Java ServiceLoader

Discoverable Descriptors

How to make a service or aggregate descriptor discoverable will depend on whether it is on the JVM’s class or module path.

Note: The System test Gradle plugin currently runs the tests from the class path, as Gradle doesn’t play nicely with Java modules… yet.

ProTip: We suggest registering component descriptors for use on both the class-path and module-path, ensuring the work today and tomorrow.

ProTip: Only descriptors for non-Creek aggregate’s need manually registering in this way. The registration of the repository’s aggregate and service descriptors is handled by the aggregate template repository and its scripts.

Descriptors on the module path

If the descriptor resides in a module, the descriptor needs to be declared in the module as a provider of the ComponentDescriptor type.

Update the services module’s descriptor, located at services/src/main/java/, to include the new aggregate descriptor, alongside the existing descriptor for the handle-occurrence-service:

module {


    provides ComponentDescriptor with

Descriptors on the class path

If the descriptor does not reside in a module, or the jar is on the class-path, the descriptor is registered by placing a provider-configuration file in the META-INF/services resource directory.

Update the services module’s ComponentDescriptor provider-configuration file, located at services/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org.creekservice.api.platform.metadata.ComponentDescriptor, to include the new aggregate descriptor, alongside the existing descriptor for the handle-occurrence-service. The files content should be:

Testing the fix

To test the descriptor is now discoverable by the system tests, and the rest of the code is correct, run the build again:


The build should now be green!

This concludes the coding for the tutorial.
